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Free-IQTest.net - IQ Test Quote of the Day:

Piece of shit computer
2003-05-01, 7:22 p.m.

WARNING!!!! If you know me personally, you may read my diary, but if you do, you take the chance of reading things you don't want to know, misunderstanding what I've written and being hurt by it. If you are unsure if it is okay to read, save yourself, and me, the grief and heartache, and ask first!!! Please note that this is a DIARY, I.E. my subjective feelings, hearsay, suppositions, and outpourings of ranting of the moment. It does not represent objective news, the whole of what I think of a topic or someone, or even a thought-out representation of any of the above. This I hope you keep in mind, and thank you for reading.

JESUS Christ!!

Diaryland is so fucking busy. God DAMN, have I had the most terrible day. Fuck today. Today was nothing.

You should see the Fat One right now. NOW, dammit. The fat piece of shit is yelling at my dog, saying "I see you, Shadow, I see you, don't act like I can't see you Shadow, because I see you."

God damn, I can't stand her.

My internet was so fucked up this...today! Jesus fucking Christ! I spent so long trying to get into here. Fuck, I did everything. I pounded this desk, this is a great desk to hit, because it hurts and you want more. More and more, what the FUCK! Today, school, was a nice day. I walked home in cool, nice weather. It was supposed to rain today, and I like the rain. I love the rain. Its so nice.

Instead of sitting here, looking out the window typing my entry that I had all in my mind today, which I cannot think of anymore, I am poundind everything. I went downstairs after about half an hour of trying to get on the goddamned internet, and nothing is happening. There was NO fucking reason that the internet was not working. Fuck it all. NO, Phuquitol! That's right. I could do a huge dose of Phuquitol.

So, I went downstairs to play ps2. Then I beat the shit out of my ps2. Oh, you should have seen me. I needed to break something, and chose the remote to my cd player. Bad choice, it'll effect me later. It still works, dammit.

So, fuck. I decided to take the dog, Shadow for a walk, and this is when it started raining. I like the rain, so I said hey, it'd be nice to go outside and walk Shadow in the rain. Oh, dammit, Shadow was actually scared of me. I had a...oh fuck, a hot pocket or a burrito or some kind of that shit, and Shadow was laying here looking at me like "Gimme some" and when I pound this desk, she runs out of here so fast you wouldn't have seen it if you blinked.

I'm scaring the crap out of all of you. I know.

BUT, I wasn't scaring myself, I wanted on the fuckin internet. It was being a bastard. I hit my dad's nice leather chair here, and hit the wooden part of it. THAT hurt like a bastard. I thought I broke my wrist. I've been looking at it all night, and I must be superman because there's no bruise. I don't think I get bruises easily at all. I didn't put any ice on it, I just wanted my damned internet to work. This computer is a piece of shit. A piece of good shit that is cool when it works. Being a bastard.

So, waiting for my fucking internet to come on, like I knew it wasn't, I made some easy mac. The macaroni and cheese that takes 3 mins. to cook. So, I made that, and when I came back, the internet looking like this...

Verifying username and password...

Connection lost.

So I started pounding the chair and the macaroni, that I put on dad's very nice dictionary, FELL OFF dad's very nice desk, and splattered all over the fucking floor. God...DAMN IT!!!

"Shadow, get your black ass in here!"

Shadow actually helped a lot, and wasn't afraid of me. Or she wasn't afraid of the food, one or the other.

So, I got paper towels for the carpet and tried scrubbing it out. Right above my head, the computer says again...

Connection lost.

"God DAMN you!!"

Then the Fat One, who was sleeping, yells "STOP!"

I couldn't do anything. I didn't want her yelling at me. So, I wiped off Dad's dictionary, and I wiped the cheese off his desk, and my good dog ate all the macaroni. The carpet was orange though. So I looked all over the house for some kind of carpet cleaner and found Resolve. I figured this would resolve my little problem. It said on it "for getting out pet stains." This could have been made by Shadow, I though. Haha, but it worked, dammit.

Then I shut down the computer again and went to the back door to the outside. Still raining. "Shadow, wanna go out?" She backed away from me and layed down in the living room.

So I was going to go outside. I don't know why, I wanted to play basketball. I needed to be away from the goddamned computer. I couldn't find my shoes anywhere. My beautiful, bright orange shoes were not anywhere. So, I took off my socks, got out a basketball, and threw it hard at the backboard. I missed the backboard. The ball went flying over my huge yard and almost into the road. So, I needed to go through the wet grass with no shoes on to go get my ball, came back, and threw it at the backboard. What's happening? I missed the backboard AGAIN! Oh fuck it, I got the ball, shot some short shots and went inside. I was soaking wet though. It was good, felt good. I just needed fresh air to be fine.

Then the phone rang. Ahhhh, please be someone good. I raise my voice, "Hello?"

"Oh, hello Diana, what are you doing?"

She told me that she was at Mom's office and Mom wasn't there.

"Okay, what do you want me to do about it?"

Mom wasn't home, and Diana needed to be home. Mom works at the elementary school, and Diana had been dropped off there, or already was there because of her volleyball stuff.

"Are you with someone?"

She was with the janitor. Thank god for the janitors. Then I asked her if she wanted me to come to the elementary school on my bike so I could walk her home.

"Its pouring rain out, Christopher."

Yeah, well, I'm already wet, it won't matter. So then I tell her to call Mom on her cell phone and then no matter what, call me back and we can work things out from there.

She didn't get a hold of Mom. Why does Mom even have the damn cell phone? She never uses it. Luckily, Mom showed up when Diana called back, and came home with her and everything worked out.

Then I wait for dinner, by doing homework, and not touching this damn computer that I am on. We need more specific computers now. I want to know why the internet was not working. The internet sucks ass. The username and password was messed up. That's what it said. But it wasn't. The computer was just fucking with me. Pissing me off. Being shit.

I also think computers need more of an attitude. We all know how happy "You've got mail" sounds. I think it should be "You got a letter, asshole." That would be funny. Ahhhh, look at me, I am nice and proud that the internet is working. I am happy right now, and its the end of the week.

It's thursday. Tomorrow I get to go to Jackson Community College for a field trip. This is for people interested in health and technology. I am interested in technology, and why internets don't work sometimes. The trip will be so much fun. Mom made me go through a whole lot of crap with her to get it signed, and I turned it in. It was free. Vicky's going. Doug's going. So, its all good.

I have been on field trips with Chelsey before, but she's coming too. Then she gets to go to Vicky's house after school. Then her mom will pick both of them up and they will go to Chelsey's Mom's house for the night. McB told me he was trying to get a sleepover this weekend. Saturday, maybe. He just told me this.

Yeah, I got to go to his house. He played Splinter Cell, and beat the game. Being at his house, was me watching him play. I like to watch him play. Its more fun than watching myself play and then get pissed off and break stuff. I am like that. I don't get pissed off a whole lot, I can keep myself happy. Playing Nightfire is always fun. Its easy. Playing Twisted Metal is always fun and easy. GTA, getting hard, I should play it more.

Riding home from McB's was cool too. It was dark, I like the dark, especially when there are a couple of street lights to help me see where I'm going. It was raining, and it was cool. It was warm rain, and this is the best of all. All the water flew up at me from my bike tires, and now the ass of my pants looks...wet. There wasn't a lot of breeze that would have made riding the bike difficult. I was going fast, but I was going home, so there's no rush.

Oh, the computer is fun too. I can do anything on the computer. I am on now, there's no problems, and I can sleep well tonight. Tomorrow will be a fun day. I have no idea what's going on this weekend though. I might do something with Justin, and I think McB is having a sleepover. Maybe, I don't know. He says he was thinking about it, but he needs to ask his Mom.

Quote of the day, and maybe our lives:

"Death is just a distant rumor to the young" -Andy Rooney

Another Quote of the day:

"Lotta self-help tapes out there. Got one called "How to Handle Disappointment." I got it home and the box was empty" -Jonathan Droll

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Teaching; Lower Your Expectations - 2014-03-17
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