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Free-IQTest.net - IQ Test Quote of the Day:

From Party to Party
2004-02-19, 1:10 p.m.

WARNING!!!! If you know me personally, you may read my diary, but if you do, you take the chance of reading things you don't want to know, misunderstanding what I've written and being hurt by it. If you are unsure if it is okay to read, save yourself, and me, the grief and heartache, and ask first!!! Please note that this is a DIARY, I.E. my subjective feelings, hearsay, suppositions, and outpourings of ranting of the moment. It does not represent objective news, the whole of what I think of a topic or someone, or even a thought-out representation of any of the above. This I hope you keep in mind, and thank you for reading.

It is Thursday, God Damnit. I'm on break. Its almost over. I have mood swings, I was supposed to be happy today. Its not too late for that though.

Yesterday was a day. It happened, but what happened is your question, because I'm sure you're one of my many readers who were not included in my parts of yesterday.

Since Vicky, in her diary, talked about yesterday, so am I. She held a party after "partying" with Chelsey the night before. I guess they had fun, watching "Bruce Almighty," and eating frozen pizza that she "really needed."

At 7:00pm I was thinking about if the party was starting right then. I was hoping it had and I was not moving from my game console until 7:30pm just because I really thought that that is when the party started. 7:10pm rolled by with a phone call "Are you coming over?"

I got there with "Scary Movie" and put it in before starting any game. We played our own version of Monopoly that Chelsey created. I bought all the properties I could and wouldn't use them so I could say that I won. However that would work. Vicky used her properties to go in the closet, the most uncomfortable experience ever because I felt like an old man playing with young teenagers in the next room. That's what a "romantic" relationship will do to you, I guess. I wanted out.

Watching "Scary Movie" though, that was awesome. It was on in the background, I guess, kinda, and we all watched it and laughed at it like we have never seen it before. Chelsey commented on her favorite character. That was the good time. When the movie was over, I put in Twisted Metal Black and we played that. I played every time though. I actually do FEEL BAD about it now! I feel bad because I feel that I need to feel bad.

I'm starting to feel and probably be a jerk. There's things I don't want to do anymore, and I was distracted and had the other three people exchange one controller.

The make out, closet thingy felt uncomfortable too. I am too old to be playing those games, I'm not into a relationship. Meaning I'm not mentally there. I'm not into any of it. I laid on my stomach on the couch staring at "Scary Movie" with stingy, wet eyes, thinking about a year ago. A year ago there was gold light around Vicky and each kiss was so precious, but I had never gotten it.

Now, a year later, and a billion + kisses later, I'm not into it. I like being with friends, I like watchin the movies, I loved the talking last night. Playing Twisted Metal was my favorite part though, not because I was the one killin all the badguys (with my one hit kill cheat code, haha)...though the others did a really good job in it.

For the next part (There WILL be a next, I hope), I will be cool with it, I'll participate, maybe Vicky and I will do our own thing while the others do theirs. Maybe it will be "Whatever you want," for one minute. Talking for one minute...staring into each others eyes...holding hands, both hands...kissing one body part...touching...pleasuring, orally...fucking, hahaa, I'm joking on plenty of those. Calm down, child.

The after party of the party took place and McB's house. Doug and McB didn't go, but they were there, and had played one game, Final Fantasy, which was exactly like Phantasy Star for THREE HOURS! RyMo and I got the party started. We played Time Splitters 2, an extremely frusterating game.

I shot McB with a sniper once, and killed him, then I raised my hands and cheered for myself! *Smack* McB lightly hit me. It was off. There is NO explaination for how good he is, it is CRAZY. Ffunny though. McB is so fucking good though, it'd piss you irst of all, his character dude is untouchable, takes no damage. His shot kills you in two shots. Unbelievable.

They played Final Fantasy for another three hours and I tried to sleep. I have no thoughts lying in bed unless they are of really wild and random things. That game is sadly terrible, I concluded.

This morning I awoke with three or four hours of sleep, I wanna say. I don't know, but there were others awake too early, and I didn't eat. That was my choice. After they played, McB and Doug I believe played every time, whatever it was. We watched a movie on TV "Half Past Dead" and then I went home with RyMo. RyMo is Ryan Mo, by the way.

Now its just a Thursday. Its winter still so there is nothing good to do. All of the stuff that is fun to do is outside. Ahh, summer. Last summer was the best summer, and always will be. This year...jobs. I have to get a job, says my mother. I read Vicky's entry about jobs, and yeah, I plan to go fulltime. That's gonna get me the most money. Jobs now are only for money. Whenever I work with others, I make friends though, another awesome reason to work. I will probably take time off to work for my grandpa too, I won't forget about him. That's better money anyways. I hope to get a nice job.

The other day I went to Felpausch late and the guy working the cash register was talking to a bagger and they looked like they were having so much fun. "Uh oh, someone's getting FruityPebbles this late at night, I don't wanna know what these are for."

Haha, I was gigglish. I walked out thinking about how cool it might be to work there. Money now means more opportunities later. School is bullshit, I'll graduate, hopefully in the year I'm supposed to, and then I will try getting a better job. I'm living in the future. That's the way to go. You have more decisions in the future.

QUOTES OF TODAY: "Do you believe in Fate, Neo?"


"Why Not?"

"Because I don't like the idea of something controlling my life." -"The Matrix."

SONG OF THE DAY: "White America" because I like the sound of it.

GAME OF THE LAST COUPLE WEEKS: The Sims. This game is so addicting that I wanna cry.

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